
quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Você se lembra???

Há cinco anos ia ao ar o primeiro episódio de Supernatural nos EUA, pela Warner Bros.

Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date—13 September 2005
WB official description
After two years, Sam Winchester is suddenly visited by his big brother Dean, who insists he helps look for their father John who disappeared on his latest 'hunt' for poltergeists- he accepts only if back in time for a crucial interview. They trace dads tracks for a 'white woman', the spirit of a wife who killed her own children after finding out her husband committed adultery and now haunts and kills unfaithful men. She even attacks Sam, who is loyal to his girlfriend. Luckily Dean, who needed nothing more then a paper-clip to escape from police arrest -they used fake identities- and carry off dads notes, arrives just in time. Still Sam decides to return, but the welcome changes his life forever...

Hoje completa cinco anos que a série está no ar, e caminha para sua sexta temporada. Isso é motivo de orgulho. Porque Supernatural sempre foi a zebra nessa corrida louca. E eu tenho o maior orgulho de dizer: eu vi tudo isso acontecer desde o início..

E daqui a 11 dias começa a nova temporada!! Go, Winchester, go!!